Definitions / Glossary
- S&P: Standard & Poor’s 500 index
- NDX: Nasdaq Composite index
- $TQQQ: ETF based on daily peformance of Nasdaq with 3x leverage
- $QQQ: ETF based on daily peformance of Nasdaq with no leverage
- $UPRO: ETF based on daily peformance of S&P with 3x leverage
- $SPY: ETF based on daily peformance of S&P with no leverage
[these are popular ETFs with 3x leverage or no leverage, but there are many other ETFs from other issuers / traded in other countries. Investors should look for the better ones for their trades - read here]
- HST or Hari Seldon Trader: an investor who wants to see his investment to grow in the long term, applying a model called HSTM
- HSTM: Hari Seldon Trader’s Model
- HSTv2: variant 2 of the HSTM (using 3x leveraged ETFs)
- HSTv5: variant 5 of the HSTM (using non leveraged ETFs)
- AL Aggressive Long: position of the HSTM suggesting to go long in the NDX market, using an adequate ETF
- ML Moderate Long: position of the HSTM suggesting to go long in the S&P market, using an adequate ETF
- Cash: position of the HSTM suggesting to keep money in cash, temporarily not invested
- mkt: financial markets
- bear market: a period of time where the stock markets lose a big part of value (30% or more)
- correction: a period of time where the stock markets lose a smaller part of value (10%-30%)
- bull market: a period of time where the stock markets gain value, or do not lose a big part of it (drawdowns of less than 30%)
- invested capital: part of the investor’s capital which is dedicated to the application of the HSTM. read disclaimer
- G-B: Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett: Author and commenter of the book “The Intelligent Investor” 1973-2003